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Anytown Academy

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Admissions Arrangements

Nursery/Reception Tours Dates for parents:


Wednesday 9th October @ 10am

Monday 14th October @ 2pm

Thursday 17th October @10am

Tuesday 5th November @10am

Friday 8th November @ 2pm

Wednesday 13th November @10am


Pleas email admin@summerswood.herts.sch.uk or call 0208 953 3139 to book your place


Applying for a nursery place for 2024:

If you wish to apply for your child to start at our Nursery during the current academic year, please contact our School Office: (020) 8953 3139, or Admin@summerswood.herts.sch.uk


Application process opens 

Tuesday 9th  January, 2024 @ 9am 

Application Deadline 

Friday 1st March, 2024 @ 9am 

Allocation letters sent by post 

Wednesday 17th April, 2024 

Allocation email sent 

Wednesday 17th April, 2024 

Deadline for response to allocation 

Monday 29th  April, 2024 


Applying for a Reception place for September 2024:

Applications for Reception 2024 open on 1st November 2023 - please click on this link to apply for a Reception place for your child - below are details of important dates and deadlines (& a link for these dates):

Apply: Hertfordshire online admissions

Dates: https://www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/services/schools-and-education/school-admissions/primary-junior-and-middle-schools/important-dates-primary-junior-and-middle-school-admissions.aspx

1 November 2023

Online system opens for you to apply online.

Nov / Dec 2023

Open events at schools. 

Find individual school details in the schools directory.

15 January 2024

Deadline to apply for a school place.

1 February 2024

Last date to submit a written explanation giving reasons why your application was late, for your application to be agreed as ‘on time’.

If you move house, this is the last date for you to provide evidence of your new address and for it to be considered ‘on time’ in the allocation process.

1 March 2024

Applications received after this date will not be offered a school place until the week commencing 17 June 2024.

16 April 2024

National allocation day

We will email you the school you've been allocated, if you applied online and confirmed your email address. The online allocation system will be updated with allocations and be available only after allocation emails have been sent.

Notification letters will be posted first class only to parents or carers who applied on paper.

If you applied online, you can use online facilities including appeals and continuing interest.

16 April – 23 April 2024

Continuing interest applications open.

You can add new school preferences for some Hertfordshire schools for the first continuing interest run. Information will be available online on 16 April 2024

16 April – 1 May 2024

Continuing interest lists are created.

Applicants with unmet higher preferences will automatically go on the list for those schools.

Parents or carers should confirm this with schools responsible for their own admissions.

1 May 2024

Last date for accepting the place offered.

Online applicants must accept the place online.

Paper applicants should return their response form to the Admissions and Transport team.

13 – 17 May 2024

First continuing interest run.

We'll contact you with an offer of a new school place, if you're successful at the first continuing interest run.

22 May 2024 (4pm)

Last date to register an appeal.

20 – 28 May 2024

Continuing interest applications open for the second run.

You can add new school preferences for any school for the second continuing interest run.

28 May 2024

Last date to register a change of preferences or for new applications to be added for the second continuing interest run.

17 – 21 June 2024

Second (and final) continuing interest run.

We'll contact you with an offer of a new school place, if you're successful at the second continuing interest run.

June – July 2024

If school vacancies occur, places will be filled from remaining continuing interest lists.

13 June – 19 July 2024

School place appeals take place during this period.

24 June 2024

Continuing interest lists (waiting lists) for junior and middle schools close on 20 June 2024.

To retain your continuing interest for a Hertfordshire junior or middle school, you will need to make an in year application from 24 June 2024.

24 July 2024

Continuing interest lists (waiting lists) for primary schools close on 23 July 2024

To retain your continuing interest for a Hertfordshire primary school, you'll need to make an in year application from 24 July 2024.



Secondary School Applications - Important Dates


1 September 2023

Online system opened for you to apply online.

Sept / Oct 2023

Open events at schools. 

Find individual school details in the schools directory.

31 October 2023

Deadline to apply for a school place.

1 December 2023

Last date to submit a written explanation giving reasons why your application was late, for your application to be agreed as ‘on time’.

If you move house, this is the last date for you to provide evidence of your new address and for it to be considered ‘on time’ in the allocation process.

30 January 2024

Applications received after this date will not be offered a school place until the week of
29 April – 3 May 2024.

1 March 2024

National allocation day

We will email you the school you've been allocated, if you applied online and confirmed your email address.

The online allocation system will be updated with allocations and be made available only after allocation emails have been sent.

Notification letters will be posted first class only to parents or carers who applied on paper.

If you applied online, you can use online facilities including opting out, making a new application and submitting an appeal.

1 – 15 March 2024

Continuing interest lists are created.

Applicants that didn't get any higher preference schools will automatically go on the list for those schools.

Parents or carers should confirm this with schools responsible for their own admissions.

1 – 8 March 2024

Continuing interest applications open.

You can add new preferences for some Hertfordshire schools for the first continuing interest run. Information will be available online from 1 March 2024.

15 March 2024

Last date to accept the place offered.

Online applicants should accept the place online.

Paper applicants should return their response form to the Admissions and Transport Team.

25 – 29 March 2024

First continuing interest run.

We'll contact you with an offer of a new school place, if you're successful.

28 March 2024 (4pm)

Last date to register an appeal.

2 April – 12 April 2024

Continuing interest applications open again.

You can add new school preferences for all schools for the second run of continuing interest.

12 April 2024

Last date to register a change of preferences or for new applications to be added for the second continuing interest run.

29 April  – 3 May 2024

Second (and final) continuing interest run.

We'll contact you with an offer of a new school place, if you're successful at the second continuing interest run.

2 May - 17 June 2024

School place appeals take place during this period (excluding 6 May, 27 May -  31 May 2024).

May – July 2024

If school vacancies occur, places will be filled from remaining continuing interest lists.

21 June 2024

Continuing interest lists (waiting lists) for Year 9 (upper school) and Year 10 (studio school or university technical college) close on 20 June 2024.

To retain your continuing interest for a Hertfordshire upper or studio school or UTC you will need to make an in year application from 21 June 2024.

23 July 2024

Continuing interest lists for secondary schools close on 23 July 2024.

To retain your continuing interest for a Hertfordshire secondary school you will need to make an in year application