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Anytown Academy

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Intent Statement


At Summerswood Primary School, we will ensure all children, including disadvantaged pupils, are secondary school ready by the end of Year 6. They will have confidence in everyday mathematics, an ability to problem solve and be able to challenge themselves.

At Summerswood, we use the Herts Essentials Maths Curriculum to plan daily maths lessons. Maths skills are taught through discreet daily lessons, which reinforce mathematical fluency and reasoning.  Pupils are taught problem solving skills and are provided with the opportunity to apply their understanding through a range of activities, which, when appropriate, they can self-select. 

Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract


HFL Essentials Maths links the concrete experiences of children in the classroom with pictorial and abstract representations (written).


Concrete Manipulatives

Objects that are moved physically by the pupil, such as counters, multilink and place value counters. Concrete resources help children make sense of abstract ideas.


At this stage, children translate the concrete experience into jottings and pictures; for example, drawing Diennes equipment or tens frames.



Ultimately, children are expected to record their mathematical thinking and working in a compacted form of notation. This would include long and short division and multiplication. Explicit individual steps may not be visible. The informal and expanded methods expose all the intermediate steps.

Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract in the Classroom

Due to Schools being closed from March 2020 till the end of the academic year, we will be following new long term plans for maths as of September. This is to account for the missed learning the children have had. It ensures that key learning is prioritised, breadth is maintained and learning sequences reactivate and address missed and insecure learning before new content is taught. Please see the new long term plans below for each year group. 

Times Table Rock Stars: 


At Summerswood Primary School we use Times Table Rock Stars both in school and at home. This is an online tool that helps the children to practice their times tables and develop their fluency with each times table. The children should be taking the 'little and often' approach, when using TTRS at home. They should be completing at least 3 minutes each day at home. 

For more information to support you with using this as home please see the parent information letter below.