Jargon buster
Glossary of common education and related terminology.
Academies - Academies are independent state-funded schools. These schools have more freedom over their finances, the curriculum they teach and teachers’ pay and conditions.
These schools are funded directly by central government rather than by the local authority. Some academies are sponsored and these sponsors can come from a range of backgrounds (businesses, other successful schools, universities, charities and faith bodies). Sponsors are held accountable for improving the performance of their schools.
AfL - Assessment for Learning - From September 2009, all UK schools were expected to implement an assessment for learning program. Day-to-day assessments would include effective questioning; observations of children during teaching and while they are working; holding discussions with children; analysing work and reporting to children; conducting tests and giving quick feedback.
APP - Assessing Pupils' Progress - APP is a structured approach to periodically assessing maths, science, reading, writing, and speaking and listening skills.
DfE - The Department for Education - They are responsible for education and children's services in England.
EAL - English as an Additional Language - Refers to children whose first language(s) is/are not English and who may not yet be speaking English fluently or even at all.
EBD - Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties
ESOL - English for Speakers of Other Languages or English as a Second or Other Language - If English is not your main language, you can take part in a course to help you improve your English. These courses are called ESOL.
EYFS - Early Years Foundation Stage - A framework for care and education of children from birth to five years of age.
FSM - Free School Meals
G & T - Gifted and Talented
HLTA - Higher Level Teaching Assistant
ICT - Information and Communication Technology
INSET - In-Service Education and Training - Training for teachers which takes place during the school year.
ITT - Initial Teacher Training
KS1 - Key Stage 1 - 5-7 years old
KS2 - Key Stage 2 - 7-11 years old
LA - Local Authority
LAAO - Local Authority Attendance Officer - Person employed by the Local Authority to help parents and the LA meet their statutory obligations in relation to school attendance.
LSA - Learning Support Assistant
LSP - Learning Support Plan
MFL - Modern Foreign Languages
MLD - Moderate Learning Difficulties
NQT - Newly Qualified Teacher
Ofsted - The Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills is an independent organisation that reports directly to Parliament. Ofsted inspects and regulates services, which care for children and young people and those providing education and skills for learners of all ages. Ofsted sets out to raise standards in British schools through regular inspections.
PE - Physical Education
PPA - Planning, Preparation and Assessment Time
PSHE - Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education
QTS - Qualified Teacher Status
RE - Religious Education
SATs - Standard Attainment Tests/Tasks - National Curriculum Tests and Tasks which take place at the end of Key Stage 1 and at the end of Key Stage 2.
SEN - Special Educational Needs Provision - Support for pupils with learning difficulties.
SENDCO - Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator
SLD - Severe Learning Difficulties
SLT - Senior Leadership Team
SMSC - Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
TA - Teaching Assistant
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Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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