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Anytown Academy

School motto here


Intent Statement


For all children to be competent and confident in using a range of media to express themselves and develop their ideas through information and communication technology.

For all children to have the necessary experience, skills and knowledge of computing to enable them to solve problems.

For all children to have a thorough understanding of ‘SMART’ to equip them to be responsible users of technology.

For all children to use their skills in computing with Mathematics, Science and Design and Technology.


Subject Leader: Mrs Akahoho


In each classroom, we have a poster to remind the children of rules to follow for being safe online - SMART.


SAFE - Stay safe online.

MEETING - Never meet up with somebody that you've met online.

ACCEPTING - Accepting unfamiliar emails and attachments/links can be dangerous.

RELIABLE - Not everything that you read or see online is reliable.  Check things first.

TELL - Tell a trusted adult if anything makes you feel uncomfortable or worried.

E-safety classroom poster

Computing at Summerswood


From September 2021, children will be accessing their computing lessons using our bespoke Computing curriculum. On the main curriculum webpage you can see our long term plan for Computing and more specific detail about the Autumn Term. 


They will have the opportunity to complete activities that are 'unplugged' (i.e. not on a computer/device) such as creating algorithms and de-bugging for coding as well as creating content on a computer/laptop.