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Anytown Academy

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Statement Of Intent

At Summerswood Primary School, we recognise that Art And Design stimulates creativity and imagination. Our Curriculum Maps enable children of all abilities to communicate what they see, feel, and think, through the use of different media. We promote critical and reflective consideration of artists, craft-workers, and designers. This impacts upon self-evaluation. The skills the children acquire are applied cross-curricular; helping the children to understand how Art And Design shapes our history, our place in history, our culture and our cultural identity. 

Curriculum Maps

Essential lessons vary in length – these can extend over one or more weekly sessions. Every child has their own sketchbook for Art. Many units include Art History and reiterate the names of artists. Previous learning is referred to, to reinforce progression of skills. One sample of work per lesson is added to the Classroom Art Folder displayed on its display stand in class. The folder is a resource for learning; it evidences how skills have progressed.

Curriculum Map - Early Years Foundation Stage

Children at the expected level of development will safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques; experimenting with colour, design, texture, form, and function. Children will share their creations, explaining the processes they have used.

Curriculum Map - Key Stage 1

In this phase, every child is provided with their own sketchbook. 

Curriculum Map - Lower Key Stage 2

In this phase, sketchbooks are also for children to review and revisit their ideas.

Curriculum Map - Upper Key Stage 2

In this phase, sketchbooks are also for children to review and revisit their ideas.

Remembrance Day

Children and teachers from Nursery to Year 6 were given the challenge of decorating their own poppy to create this memorial that was shared with the community on the Furzehill Road gates.

Traditional Tales - Reception Year

An example of a visual and cross-curricular activity for the children to connect colour and pattern via mark-making (fine motor skills) with storytelling (Literacy) and Number Work.

The Stone Age - Year 3

The children created cave paintings as well as beautiful artworks depciting Stone Henge.

I Am Warrior - Year 4

The children learnt about The Romans and created these Roman coins using clay.

Collaborative Drawing - Year 6

A wonderfully expressive artwork conveying the strength in diversity of one of our class teams.