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Anytown Academy

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Intent Statement


By the time children leave Summerswood, they will have a wide understanding of different world religions.


Children will have visited different places of worship at every Key Stage.


Children will have respect and understanding for different beliefs and faiths.


Further Information


The new Agreed Syllabus 2017-2022 builds on the most recent national guidance of RE including the RE Council’s 2013 Curriculum Framework for Religious Education in England


The curriculum reflects the fact that religious traditions in Britain are in the main Christian while taking account of the teachings and practices of the other 5 principal religions


Aims to ensure that all pupils develop knowledge and understanding of sources of wisdom and their impact whilst exploring personal and critical responses.


All pupils in Hertfordshire schools must follow a coherent and systematic study of the principal religion of Christianity across each key stage


Hertfordshire AS key aim: for a religious and theologically literate child



Children will encounter Christianity and religions and beliefs represented in the class, school or local community. RE will support and a growing sense of the child’s awareness of self, their own community their place within this


Years 1 and 2

(a minimum of 2 religions are to be studied)

Christianity and at least one other religion

Judaism and or Islam (the predominant local religions and beliefs represented)


Years 3 and 4

(a minimum of 4 religions are to be studied)

Christianity and Islam (Y3)

Christianity and Hinduism and Sikhism (Y4)


Years 5 and 6

Christianity and Judaism (Y5)

Christianity and Buddhism (Y6)

Books to support primary scheme of work

Some of our RE work

We learnt about the creation story in RE in Year 1 and celebrated harvest in the first half term. We are learning about the importance of light in the second half term.