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Anytown Academy

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Financial, Educational, SEN Support for Parents

Financial Support

School’s regularly ask parents for financial support for trips and other school-related activities. We  understand that these are challenging times, and financial difficulties can impact families in many ways.


While it can be hard to ask for help, please know that we are here to support you and your family. If you are facing any financial concerns, whether related to school supplies, uniforms, trips, or other home-related needs including support from the foodbank, we encourage you to reach out. All conversations will be handled with care and confidentiality, and we will do our best to offer assistance or direct you to the appropriate resources.


Your child's well-being is our priority, and we are committed to ensuring that all students can fully participate in school life, regardless of financial circumstances. If you would like to discuss how we may be able to help, please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs Buckley, our school business manager via admin@summerswood.herts.sch.uk or speaking to either her or Miss Kneller, Headteacher. We are on the school gates each morning or you can arrange an appointment to speak on the phone or meet with us in person.  We will also post information about places you can access support and advice independently here:

How to get support from Borehamwood Foodbank

  • Call us. 020 3583 1109.
  • Email us. info@borehamwoodfoodbank.org.uk.
  • Visit our website. https://borehamwood.foodbank.org.uk/

Herts Help

HertsHelp is a free service that helps people get support with a wide range of issues, from money worries to loneliness. It puts people in contact with a range of organisations that provide support, social activities, advice and more. Anyone can contact HertsHelp by phone or email.


0300 123 4044


Please see the link below for a variety of ideas from Hertsmere County Council


Advice Line for the NHS services (physiotherapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy) 

Agencies for Parents

Contactline - Educational Psychology Service Poster

Drama classes - Jan 24

Families First Portal

Help your Child stay well this Winter - an NHS Guide...

Oral Health Care Poster

Read about how to support your child with anxiety

Super Star Sport